Follow this step-by-step tutorial to implement the Watch Together video chat sample application.
While the client-side application will take care of most of the functionality, in order to make this sample application work, you will need to get an access token from the Cluster Authentication Server (CAS).
The full code samples can be found here
To complete this guide successfully the following prerequisites are required:
An Access Token is needed in order to allow a client to connect to a Session.
Note: It is important that the client application does not request an Access Token directly from the backend. By doing that you risk exposing the API_TOKEN and API_SECRET.
To simplify the tutorial, in the section below you can see an example of getting an Access Token
Acquiring an Access Token
Copy curl -iL --request GET --url https://YOUR_CAS_URL/stream/token/v2/ --header 'auth-api-key: API_KEY' --header 'auth-api-secret: API_SECRET'
TheAccess Token
is a JWT token - more about JWT you can read - here .
A successful response will look like that:
Copy {
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9...."
You can get your API_KEY and API_SECRET in your private area, here .
Note: Every Streaming Token corresponds to one specific Session only. To allow two different clients to connect to the same Session, the clients need to use the same Access Token
Going to production
To go to production you will need to implement your own authentication server. Using the server the Access Token will be shared to your various clients (Web, Android, and iOS). With this valid Access Token you will be able to use the service.
For that you will need:
API_KEY, and API_SECRET - can be retrieved in your private area once you login
Creating a new project
Open Xcode and create a new project
Choose a Single View application
Configure your product organization, bundle, and team names
Set the application location on your computer and press "create"
Adding Watch Together iOS SDK library to the project
In case you require to use an Objective-c project, please add the WatchTogetherAdapter to your project
Create a folder with the name "WatchTogether" in the root of the project
Copy all files ("WatchTogether.framework","WatchTogether.podspec") to created folder
[When using the Objective-c adapater] - do the following extra steps
Create a folder named "WatchTogetherAdapter" in the root of the project
Copy all the files unpacked from the SDK ("WatchTogetherAdapter.framework","WatchTogetherAdapter.podspec") to "WatchTogetherAdapter" folder
Open folder with your project in Terminal
Print the command "pod init"
Print the command "open Podfile"
In the opened file paste this string pod 'WatchTogether', :path => './WatchTogether'
after "target 'Your project name' do " and save file
[When using the Objective-c adapater] - do the following extra steps
In the opened file paste the following strings
pod 'WatchTogetherAdapter', :path => './WatchTogetherAdapter'
pod 'WatchTogether', :path => './WatchTogether'
In the terminal write the command "pod install"
Disable application Bitcode.
Build Settings → Build Options → Enable Bitcodes → Set to "NO"
To mock a video for the simulator you will need to add an mp4 video file to your main bundle and rename it to simulator_mock.mp4
Granting access to camera and microphone
Go to the info.plist file, add the following properties
Add the property "Privacy - Camera Usage Description
" and the value "$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses the camera"
Add the property "Privacy - Microphone Usage Description
" and the value "$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses the microphone"
Initialize a Session
Import the library to the view controller
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy @import WatchTogetherAdapter;
Set the minimal log level
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy Session.setMinLogLevel(.debug)
Copy [SessionAdapter setMinLogLevel:WTALogLevelDebug];
Create a session instance
- a display name
- an object conforming to SessionDelegate protocol
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy let session = SessionBuilder()
Copy SessionAdapter* session = [[SessionAdapter alloc] initWith:username];
[session buildSession];
session.delegate = self;
Get the local participant instance
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy let localParticipant = session.localParticipant
Copy ParticipantAdapter* localParticipant = session.localParticipant;
Connect to the session
Access token
- an authentication token received from the Authentication Server
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy do {
try session.connect(with: token)// method can throw
} catch {
print(error)//error is WTError
//fallback logic
Copy NSError* err = nil;
[_session connectWith:_token error:&err];
if (err != nil) {
//fallback logic
Disconnect from the session
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy [session disconnect];
Using the SessionDelegate
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy extension YourClass: SessionDelegate {
func onSessionConnected(sessionId: String, participants: [Participant]) {
print("Connected to \(sessionId)")
func onSessionDisconnect() {
print("Disconnect from session")
func onRemoteParticipantJoined(participant: Participant) {
print("New participant with id: \(participant.getId())")
func onRemoteParticipantStartMedia(participant: Participant) {
print("New media from id: \(participant.getId())")
func onRemoteParticipantStopMedia(participant: Participant) {
print("Stoped media from id: \(participant.getId())")
func onRemoteParticipantLeft(participant: Participant) {
print("Participant left with id: \(participant.getId())")
func onSessionError(error: Error) {
func onRemoteParticipantNotification(message: String, participantId: String) {
print("message: \(message) from participant \(participantId)"
Copy - (void)onSessionConnectedWithSessionId:(NSString *)sessionId participants:(NSArray<ParticipantAdapter *> *)participants{
NSLog(@"Connected to session");
- (void)onSessionDisconnect{
NSLog(@"Disconnect from session");
- (void)onRemoteParticipantJoinedWithParticipant:(ParticipantAdapter *)participant{
NSLog(@"New participant");
- (void)onRemoteParticipantStartMediaWithParticipant:(ParticipantAdapter *)participant{
NSLog(@"New media");
- (void)onRemoteParticipantStopMediaWithParticipant:(ParticipantAdapter *)participant{
NSLog(@"Stoped media");
- (void)onRemoteParticipantLeftWithParticipant:(ParticipantAdapter *)participant{
NSLog(@"Participant left");
- (void)onSessionErrorWithError:(NSError *)error{
NSLog(@"Session failed with error");
-(void)onRemoteParticipantNotificationWithMessage:(NSString *)message participantId:(NSString *)participantId {
NSLog(@"message: %@ from participant %@", message, participantId);
Using the Participant object
To get Participant video use the method getVideo()
To get Participant display name use the method getDisplayName()
To get Participant id use the method getId()
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy class ParticipantView: UIView {
var participant: Participant?
func setParticipant(_ participant: Participant) {
self.participant = participant
let participantVideo = participant.getVideo() // View with video from participant
let displayName = participant.getDisplayName() // Participant display name
participant?.delegate = self
let participantId:String = participant.getId()// Participant id
//MARK: Actions to change participant properties
@IBAction func onVolumeChanged(_ sender: UISlider) {
participant.volume = sender.value// values from 0.0 to 1.0
@IBAction func muteAudioAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
participant.isAudioEnabled = !participant.isAudioEnabled //true/false enable disable audio
@IBAction func muteVideoAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
participant.isVideoEnabled = !participant.isVideoEnabled //true/false
Copy @property (weak, nonatomic) ParticipantAdapter* participant;
- (void) setParticipant: (ParticipantAdapter *)participant {
UIView* view = [participant getVideo];
NSString *participantId = [_participant getId]
_participantNameLabel.text = [_participant getDisplayName];
_participant.delegate = self
[self addSubview: view];
//MARK: Actions in participant view
- (IBAction)changeVolume:(UISlider *)sender {
_participant.volume = sender.value; //from 0.0 to 1.10
- (IBAction)enableAudio:(UIButton *)sender {
_participant.isAudioEnabled = !_participant.isAudioEnabled//YES/NO turn on/off
- (IBAction)enableAudio:(UIButton *)sender {
!_participant.isVideoEnabled = !_participant.isVideoEnabled
Using the ParticipantDelegate object
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy extension ParticipantView: ParticipantDelegate{
func onReconnecting() {
print("Participant reconnecting")
func onReconnected() {
print("Participant reconnected")
func onChangeMediaSettings() {
print("Participant has changed media settings")
func onStreamUpdate(qualityInfo: StreamQualityInfo) {
print("Participant has new quality info \(qualityInfo.quality)")
Copy - (void)onChangeMediaSettings{
NSLog(@"On participant cahnge media settings");
- (void)onStreamUpdateWithQualityInfo:(StreamQualityInfoAdapter *)qualityInfo{
NSLog(@"On participant update quality");
- (void)onReconnecting{
NSLog(@"On participant reconnecting");
- (void)onReconnected{
NSLog(@"On participant reconnected");
Working with the LocalParticipant object
LocalParticipant class implements the Participant protocol
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy localParticipant.startCameraPreview()
//MARK: switch camera action
@IBAction func onSwitchCamera(_ sender: UIButton) {
localParticipant.cameraPosition == .front ? AVCaptureDevice.Position.back
: AVCaptureDevice.Position.front
func onResolutionChanged(to: VideoQuality, fps: Int32) {
localParticipant.videoQuality = VideoQuality.Low// VideoQuality.Hight, VideoQuality.Default
localParticipant.fps = fps // normal values in range from 15 to 45
Copy [_localParticipant startCameraPreview];
//MARK: Actions
//@property (nonatomic) BOOL isFront;
- (IBAction)switchCamera:(id)sender {
_isFront = !_isFront;
if (_isFront){
[_localParticipant setCameraPosition: AVCaptureDevicePositionFront];
} else {
[_localParticipant setCameraPosition: AVCaptureDevicePositionBack];
- (IBAction)changeVideoQuality:(UISegmentedControl *)sender {
if(sender.selectedSegmentIndex == 0){
_localParticipant.videoQuality = VideoQualityAdapterLow;
} else if (sender.selectedSegmentIndex == 1){
_localParticipant.videoQuality = VideoQualityAdapterDefault;
} else {
_localParticipant.videoQuality = VideoQualityAdapterHigh;
- (IBAction)changeFrameRate:(UISlider *)sender {
_localParticipant.frameRate = sender.value; //normal values in range 15 to 45
Swift Objective-c adapter
Copy localParticipant.set(orientation: .landscapeRight)
// localParticipant.set(orientation: nil) //use to disable orientation lock
Copy [_localParticipant setWithOrientation: AVCaptureVideoOrientationLandscapeLeft];
// [_localParticipant setWithOrientation: 0]; //use to disable orientation lock
Running the application
Once coding is finished, you should be able to run the application.
You can view the complete Watch Together sample application here - Swift .
Next steps
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